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Welcome to

St. John's Church Farncombe

St John’s is the Anglican Parish Church of Farncombe, next to Godalming in Surrey

We are a community of people striving to follow Jesus Christ and make him known through what we say and do. 

Our services vary from traditional to less formal, but at the core of our worship and identity is the weekly Parish Eucharist when we gather at God’s table where Jesus meets us in bread and wine. 

We offer the sacraments (baptism, communion, marriage, and penance) to all who ask us and want to make the promises they involve. We welcome all to the altar of Jesus Christ, believing that is what the Lord we love wants us to do. 

We hope you’ll find what you’re looking for on these pages, and perhaps come to join us on our Christian journey. God bless you! 

"Some churches are so grim. This church feels like it's giving you a hug"

"During the pandemic St John's has been a haven of peace and spiritual calm"

"Just walking into Farncombe Church is always a pleasure - such a calm ambience

and sense of God's presence"

You can find our weekly bulletins at these links:

treasure flier.jpg
Enquire about our enquirers' course!
Epiphany flier.jpg

We now have a dedicated email address for prayer requests. If there's a person or situation you would like us to keep in our prayers, please contact us on



"Let your light so shine before people, that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father in heaven"

< Matthew 5.16 >

Each year St John's raises and spends around £100K. Just over a quarter comes from renting out our rooms, and a bit from fees, but most of our income is in the form of donations. Over two-thirds of our expenditure is the 'Parish Share', the contribution we make to the expenses of the Guildford Diocese. We're not a rich church and any extra is always a help!


The button below takes you our Justgiving page, if you'd like to make a donation to our work.

Send us your email address to receive our weekly updates

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St. Johns Church Farncombe

01483 426353

St John’s Church Parish Office
St John’s Street

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