Services & Sacraments
At St John's we believe in worship ...
Farncombe has been a sacramental church for a century and more. We think worship - when Christians pray together - is one of the main ways God speaks to human beings. And more than that - we believe he acts, too.
Regular Services
Every Sunday:
8am: Holy Communion, a quiet said service lasting about 35 minutes
8.45am: Roman Catholic Mass held by our brothers and sisters of St Edmund’s RC parish, Godalming
10am: Parish Eucharist, our main weekly celebration; or on the 1st Sunday each month, a less formal service called Sunday Space. Both services include hymns and sermon. The Parish Eucharist lasts just over an hour and Sunday Space, usually about 45 minutes. There are refreshments after the 10am service.
Sunday afternoons and evenings: 1st Sunday in the month, 6.30pm: Sung Eucharist
2nd Sunday in the month, 7.30pm - Compline said, and sung, online. Next service: 9th February. Join using this link: ​
An order of service is available here.
Every Tuesday, 10.30am: Midweek Eucharist, a quiet said service lasting about 35 minutes
Every weekday except Thursday, 9am and 5.30pm: Morning & Evening Prayer
Feast Days and other special services as advertised on the church noticeboards, or as published here.
is our regular special worship time especially for anyone who enjoys informality and fun!
It means what it says on the tin! Roughly once a quarter on a Saturday afternoon we
meet together for fun, and often messy, activities to help us think about the life and
words of Jesus Christ. Refreshments are served after the mess. Messy Church was
originally devised by the Bible Reading Fellowship. The next St John's Messy Church
is at 3pm on Saturday January 11th.
Forest Church events are growing (as it were) and we have decided to give it a try! Our Forest Church is a quiet and reflective time to think about God in nature. Forest Church will meet next on January 26th at 3pm. Meet at the bottom of the old Farncombe Hill at the junction with Twycross Road for a walk around the hilltop paths. You can download a simple order of service here. ​