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Groups at St John's

Finding Out More

Within St John’s there are a variety of special groups which focus areas of action, study or fellowship. If you’re interested in getting involved with any of them, or want to find out more, contact the Rector.


Mother’s Union

A long-established campaigning organisation in the Church of England with a special concern for family welfare issues, and providing support for women members of the church. We now have a joint Branch with Godalming Parish. The MU meets in the Church Room at 2.30pm on alternate second Wednesdays; Contact Marjorie Cawley.


After-School Church Club

Children at Farncombe School can sign up for Church Club as one of their after-school activities. We meet every Wednesday afternoon from 3.15pm to 4pm for craft activities, stories, games, songs and prayers. Organiser Shirley Martin.


St John’s Toddler Group

Operates on Friday mornings from 10.30am to 12noon On the last Friday in each month (usually) we go into the church for 5-10 minutes of ‘Toddler Praise’. Organiser Hazel Freeston. The Group’s Facebook page is here. 



Our small choir (augmented from other churches for special occasions!) sings for the Parish Eucharist and for other festal services, especially the Advent Service of Light and Christmas Carol service for which we learn anthems and special pieces. Organiser Nick Manning.


Kettle's On!

Tea, cake, chat and fellowship in the Church Room every third Wednesday afternoon in the month for carers and the cared-for - but anyone can join in. Speakers and activities included from time to time. Organiser: Sue Petty.


Home Groups

'Together@Amity' meets on the first Tuesday evening each month for reflection and fellowship. Organiser: Penny Rivers.

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